The Wales Marathon Sunday, June 29, 2025


To volunteer give us a call on 01437 765777 or apply online.

We are searching for volunteers for the Long Course Weekend - Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There is a tremendous amount of work that goes into organising these events and volunteers and marshals are a crucial element to the success of the day.

Being part of the volunteer team can involve route marshalling, manning aid stations, pre-and post-event set-up… and everything in between! In addition to this, your encouragement and enthusiasm to both the athletes and the team are invaluable! It’s a great personal reward for you and makes a huge difference to the athletes on the day.

There are some great benefits to being a marshal for Activity Wales Events including:

  • FREE volunteer event t-shirt
  • FREE packed lunch & drink (dietary requirements will be catered for)
  • FREE entry to the post-event party
  • Discounted merchandise
  • Volunteer medal

As an extra incentive, groups of 10 or more volunteers will get £400 towards their chosen team, club or charity!

If you can manage to get a sports team of 25 people together to help out, you can earn yourselves some new kit for the next season!

A prize of £1,000 is available for the best supporting village on the bike and run course!

If you want to get involved and volunteer as an individual or team, please enter your details online or call us on 01437 765 777.

Volunteer Now

The Wales Marathon and Half Marathon


Out of interest which Activity Wales races are you doing?? Out of interest which Activity Wales races are you doing??

Top Tip - Start with a sprint tri early in the season. Swansea is a good one to get your confidence up as the swim is in SA1 Dock which is a great environment as you don’t have to battle the seas tide and currents.

‘Plan some regular swim sets’ ‘Plan some regular swim sets’

It’s important to keep your threshold swimming going over during the ‘off’ season. Below you find two swim sessions which will help you going into the winter months. Try these twice a week and record your times. You can adjust the rest times and distances according to your ability. Feel free to reach out to the coaches at Heathwood swimming in Cardiff for extra help or any questions you may have regarding swim sets or drills.

‘It’s getting colder & the weather is changing’ ‘It’s getting colder & the weather is changing’

For most of us the open water swimming season is coming to an end or is basically over. In October the UK water temperature in the sea, lakes & reservoirs are dropping rapidly and where you were able to swim in 17 to 20 degrees its now more like 12 or 13oc.

  • Erdinger
  • Coastal Cottages
  • Lets Do This
  • Princes Gate
  • Torq